Is there anything nicer than a clear, clean, weed-free fence line? We certainly don’t think so. That’s why we work so hard to make products that not only get the job done but keep working for months. With best practices and our best products, keeping your fence line clear is not only easy but permanent.
This concentrated formula contains triclopyr, a systemic herbicide that controls broadleaf weeds. BRUSHTOX kills more than 60 woody plants, including mesquite, oaks, locust, wild rose and sweetgum, and more than 30 broadleaf weeds, like Canada thistle, milkweed and dog fennel. Apply BRUSHTOX evenly to cover the entire plant. It can be diluted with water or with an oil-water emulsion, the latter of which will be more dependable to control woody plants. See the label for mixing rates. BRUSHTOX only targets broadleaf weeds, leaving many natural grasses unharmed. It can also be mixed with a liquid fertilizer for grass pastures.
Compare-N-Save Weed & Grass Killer
This 41 percent glyphosate solution was made for Roundup Ready crops. It kills almost all annual and perennial weeds, grasses, vines, brush, and stumps. Apply three to six ounces per gallon of water to growing weeds on a warm day in bright sunlight. Compare-N-Save Weed & Grass Killer kills only actively-growing weeds; it won’t harm the soil or spread to roots of nearby trees.
Farmworks 41% Glyphosate Concentrate
This nonselective herbicide contains the same active ingredient as Roundup®. It kills more than 150 varieties of invasive weeds, brush and trees. Mix with water and spray on unwanted growth until wet, but not to the point of runoff. Affected plants usually show symptoms within two to seven days and are killed in one to two weeks. For complete instructions, see the label.
RM18 works fast to control weeds and lasts up to six months. It can be applied along fence rows using either a tank sprayer or hose-end sprayer. Spray the weeds and grass you want to be killed until they are thoroughly wet. If desirable plants are accidentally treated, rinse them off immediately with water. RM18 is rainproof in 30 minutes. Apply it on a warm, calm day when weeds are small.
Made with 43 percent glyphosate, RM43 offers total weed control for up to a year. It not only kills more than 150 existing weeds, brush and vines, but when sprayed on bare ground keeps those weeds in check, for months. Apply on a sunny day when temperatures are above 60 degrees. Use hand-operated spray equipment, like backpack sprayers or sprinkling cans, or ATV/tractor-mounted sprayers to uniformly cover the area along the fence. See the label for complete instructions.
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