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Clover Blend Food Plot Seed

As low as $13.99

Proven Nutrition for your Deer Population and your Soil

Clover Blend, our highest protein mix, provides palatable grazing virtually year-round. Clovers, the primary ingredients, are a type of legume that are critical to any plot as forage or complementary plants. They are tender and palatable, and they provide high levels of protein and carbohydrates that deer populations love. Plus, they play host for nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which help maintain critical nitrogen levels in the soil. The second ingredient in Clover Blend Food Plot Seed is chicory, a plant used in New Zealand as forage on commercial venison farms. It has an elongated leaf and produces a taproot that allows the plant to better survive periods of drought, which is a useful trait in hot, sometimes dry southern summers.


Clover Blend, contains three types of clovers and heat and drought-tolerant chicory to supplement grazing.


Seed species: Legume, Clovers, Chicory

Coverage Area: 1/2 acre

Mature Height: 18 inches

Where to use:

In a well-prepared seed bed that gets at least 6 hours of sunlight daily and adequate moisture.

When to use:

Plant Clover Blend in Spring or Fall, when soil temperatures are above 60°F.

How to use:

For best results, plant Clover Blend in a well-prepared seed bed with soil temperatures above 60°F following these steps:

  • Fertilize and lime according to soil test
  • Plant seeds no deeper than 1/4 inch at the following rates:
    • Alone: Plant Clover Blend at 4 lbs. per 1/2 acre
    • With 100 lbs. of small grains: Plant Clover Blend at 4 lbs. per acre
    • With 50 lbs. of ryegrass: Plant Clover Blend at 4 lbs. per acre
  • Adequate moisture is required for proper germination
  • Mow stand after plants produce seed to ensure stand survival


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