Weed and Grass Killer with Glufosinate
Kills to the root, with Glufosinate
Compare-N-Save Weed & Grass Killer with Glufosinate is a nonselective water-soluble herbicide for application as a foliar spray for the control of a broad spectrum of emerged annual and perennial grass and broadleaf weeds. Compare-N-Save Weed & Grass Killer with Glufosinate will also control certain woody species*. Plants that have not yet emerged at the time of application will not be controlled. THOROUGH SPRAY COVERAGE IS IMPORTANT. Visual effects and control from application of Compare-N-Save Weed & Grass Killer with Glufosinate occur within 2 to 4 days after application under good growing conditions.
* Not for use on woody species in California.
This product is nonselective and will injure or kill all green vegetation contacted by the spray. Avoid all contact with foliage or green tissue of desirable vegetation. Avoid direct spray contact with green, thin, or uncalloused bark of desirable vegetation or plant injury may result. If desirable vegetation is contacted, rinse the sprayed portion with water immediately.
Compare-N-Save Weed & Grass Killer with Glufosinate works best when weeds are actively growing. Weed control may be reduced when applications are made to weeds under stress due to drought or cool temperatures. Weeds under stress or in dense populations will require application at the highest rate specified. Refer to the How to Apply section of this label.
Where to use:
Trimming and Edging
Compare-N-Save Weed & Grass Killer with Glufosinate may be used for trimming and edging landscape areas including: landscape beds, foundations, fences, driveways, paths, and parking areas; also on golf courses along cart paths, around sign and light posts, and around sand traps. For control of weeds emerging from seed, use Compare-N-Save Weed & Grass Killer with Glufosinate in a tank mix with preemergence herbicides. If spraying in areas adjacent to desirable plants, use a shield made of cardboard, plywood, or sheet metal while spraying to help prevent spray from contacting foliage of desirable plants. Refer to the How to Apply section of this labeling for appropriate application rates to control specific weeds.
Recreational and Public Areas
When applied as a spot or directed spray application, this product controls annual and perennial weeds listed on this label in areas including: airports, around commercial or industrial structures or outbuildings, bare ground, campgrounds, construction sites, storage and lumber yards, educational facilities, fence lines, firebreaks, gravel yards, ditch banks, dry ditches and canals, railroad rights-of-way, schools, parking lots, highways and roadsides (including aprons, medians, guardrails and rights of way), tank farms, trails, access roads, pumping stations, parks, sports areas, natural areas, wildlife habitat areas, and vacant lots. Refer to the How to Apply section of this labeling for appropriate application rates to control specific weeds.
Dormant Bermudagrass
Compare-N-Save Weed & Grass Killer with Glufosinate may be used to control winter annual weeds in well-established ornamental dormant hybrid or common Bermudagrass. Apply only when the turf is fully dormant and prior to spring greenup or severe turfgrass injury or delayed green-up may occur. For best results, apply Compare-N-Save Weed & Grass Killer with Glufosinate at a rate of 96 to 192 fluid ounces (3 to 6 quarts) of product (0.75 lb. a.i. to 1.5 lbs. a.i.) per acre after most weeds have germinated and are in an early growth stage. Refer to the Weeds Controlled by Compare-N-Save Weed & Grass Killer with Glufosinate section of this label for selecting rates. Applications of Compare-N-Save Weed & Grass Killer with Glufosinate may also be used to suppress or control undesirable biennial or perennial weeds. Avoid high volume and spot applications where spray volume exceeds 80 gallons per acre or injury or delayed green-up may occur.
Ornamentals and Christmas Trees
When applied as directed by this label, this product may be used for the control of undesirable vegetation in site preparation prior to planting, around and within shade and greenhouses, and as a directed spray around containers and field-grown established ornamentals and Christmas trees.
Directed spray application: Apply Compare-N-Save Weed & Grass Killer with Glufosinate as a directed spray to control in-row weeds in field-grown woody plants. Refer to the How to Apply section of this labeling for appropriate application rate to control specific weeds. This product may also be used between and around containers and in site preparation for new planting.
Site preparation application: This product may be used for pre-plant site preparation for the control of annual and perennial weeds listed on this label, in ornamental and Christmas tree plantings. Ornamentals and Christmas trees may be planted into the treated area after the restricted entry interval (REI) of 12 hours has elapsed. Refer to the How to Apply section of this labeling for appropriate application rates to control specific weeds.
Greenhouse and shade house applications: Compare-N-Save Weed & Grass Killer with Glufosinate may be used to control weeds in greenhouses and shadehouses. Apply Compare-N-Save Weed & Grass Killer with Glufosinate as a directed spray using low-pressure type nozzles. Avoid drift and direct contact with desirable vegetation.
When applied as directed, this product controls undesirable plant vegetation in non-crop areas around farmstead building foundations, shelter belts, along fences, and nonselective farmstead weed control. Refer to the How to Apply section of this labeling for appropriate application rates to control specific weeds.
When to use:
Compare-N-Save Weed & Grass Killer with Glufosinate is a foliar-active material. Best results are obtained when weeds are actively growing. Weed control may be reduced when applications are made to weeds under stress due to drought or cool temperatures. Weeds under stress or in dense populations will require application of the highest rate specified. Refer to the How to Apply section of this label.
Apply Compare-N-Save Weed & Grass Killer with Glufosinate at the rate specified in the How to Apply section of this label. Repeat applications of Compare-N-Save Weed & Grass Killer with Glufosinate or tank mixes of Compare-N-Save Weed & Grass Killer with Glufosinate plus one or more appropriate residual herbicide(s) listed on this label will be needed to control weeds emerging from underground parts or seeds.
How to use:
Compare-N-Save Weed & Grass Killer with Glufosinate must be mixed with water to make a finished spray solution as follows:
- Fill the spray tank with the required amount of water.
- Add the proper amount of this product, then mix thoroughly.
Spot or Directed Applications
Use this product as a spot or directed spray application using 2 to 4 fluid ounces of product (0.02 to 0.03 lb. a.i.) per gallon of water. Mix 2 to 4 fluid ounces of product (0.02 to 0.03 lb. a.i.) per gallon of water depending upon the weed and stage of growth as shown in the following sections. Spray undesirable vegetation foliage on a spray-to-wet basis. Ensure uniform and complete coverage. Use a coarse spray. Backpack, pump-up, and hydraulic sprayers may be used. Thoroughly clean the sprayer following use.
- This product is rainfast in a minimum of one-half hour and an average of 4 hours after application depending upon weed species, environmental conditions, and herbicide application rate.
- Plants may be safely planted into areas treated with this product after spray has dried.
Active Ingredients:
Glufosinate, ammonium | 11.33% |
Other Ingredients | 88.67% |
Total | 100.00% |
Product Label:
32 ounce | 64 ounce | 1 gallon | 2.5 gallon
Lower prices may be available from online retailers.
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Read the entire label before each use. Use only according to label instructions.
See the complete label for specific use rates and detailed instructions.
Consult the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for important safety information.