Every rural property has its own specific needs when it comes to weed management. The weed treatment used by a gardening enthusiast might not work for a larger cow/calf operation or a property with row crops. It is safe to say that most properties need some sort of fence weed control, weed killer for lawns or spot control for sidewalks and walkways, in addition to other, more specific, needs.
Whatever a property manager’s weed-control needs, Ragan & Massey has it covered. Our Compare-N-Save® line of herbicide products get the job done properly, helping you keep your property looking good and running smoothly.
“We’re rural landowners ourselves,” says Mike Massey, Ragan & Massey president. “So we understand as well as anyone the wide range of weed issues faced by farmers, property managers and hobby enthusiasts. We’ve made it a priority to offer a varied line of products that can cover a wide variety of specific needs.”
From selective pre-emergent applications to anytime, anywhere concentrates, the Compare-N-Save® line will meet your needs.
Selective application
COMPARE-N-SAVE® 2,4-D AMINE BROADLEAF WEED KILLER – Whether you’re a grower of corn, soybeans, small grains, pastures, rangelands or other crops, or you just want to cultivate healthy turf on your homestead, we have what you need to protect your crops from invasive broadleaf weeds.
Nonselective application
COMPARE-N-SAVE® CONCENTRATE GRASS & WEED KILLER 41% GLYPHOSATE – This powerful product kills almost all annual and perennial weeds, grasses and other unwanted plants. Simply mix it with water and use to control unwanted growth around landscaping, walkways and driveways, for lawn restoration or renovation, for garden plot preparation, for brush and vine control and even as a stump treatment. For Roundup® Ready crops, refer to the 41% Glyphosate Plus Surfactant label and SDS.
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